Friday, April 30, 2010

Cruise Control

We continue to be on Cruise Control here at UWMC, as Tyler's mouth continues to heal bit by bit.  I've still not heard that he has a white blood cell count yet, but that would be because I have had to be at work during the doctor's rounds to see patients.  The doctor did say that the mouth improvement is a good sign that counts will soon recover.

Tyler is starting to lose his hair again from the chemo treatments last week.  We kind of expected it earlier, but will have to dig out his hats again to keep his head warm.  It actually boggles my mind that 5 days of chemo about a week ago would be responsible for his hair loss today.  It seems like all of the side effects should happen at the same time as the induction therapy, but that certainly isn't the case.

He hasn't had any more breathing scares since Wednesday, so we are starting to relax a little bit more each day.  He has been dozing throughout the last couple of days, when not interrupted for a bone marrow or lumbar puncture.  His rash has faded a little bit more, but still causes him some discomfort.  He's not really up for company, so we haven't reached out too much.  If we could just get his sides/muscles to heal up, he could get out of this room and walk around the floor a little bit.

As for me, I am excited that we finally made it to the weekend so that I can spend a little extra time with my handsome husband.  Although... I think I thoroughly annoyed him this evening by asking him endless questions.  I miss talking to him, so I try to have "conversations" where I ask him yes/no questions.  It really isn't the same thing, but talking still hurts for Tyler so we definitely can't have real interactions like we normally would.  Plus, he feels like he is in a drug fog much of the time.  I think he has big plans for the days when they finally wean him off all of this junk again!

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