Friday, December 12, 2008

The Home Front

Finally, the day has come! We sprung Tyler around dinner time today. Thankfully, whatever snow they are promising us held off long enough for us to get him home. LeAnn and Cynthia decorated the house for the holidays as a surprise for Tyler to come in to and it looked beautiful!!

Tyler headed up to bed early tonight, while Andrea and I got a class in how to make his dinner each night and how to use the IV pump. So now we are highly experienced nurses. ;) We'll show you a little bit more about his pumps later. For now, you can rest assured that Tyler is home for the holidays!

I'm off to join him soon, since his TPN pump will beep at us about 8 tomorrow morning. Tomorrow we travel back to the SCCA for outpatient clinics again.

Thank you, from the bottom of our hearts, for sticking with us along this journey. We so appreciate the prayers for Tyler's healing and my strength and for our ability to come home.

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