Monday, July 28, 2008

Tyler Gets the Day Off!

For the first day in a long while, Tyler gets a day off from the doctor's office tomorrow! His blood draw today showed improvement in his counts, so we have great hopes that the Tasigna is doing its job.

WBC: 11.8 (Hooray!! It's almost in normal ranges of 4.8-10.8)
HCT: 30.6 (Those donated blood cells that Tyler received Friday are doing their job)
PLT: 33 (Although the normal range is 150-400, we're happy about this because it means no platelet transfusion needed, since he was as 33 on Friday too)

I'm scheduled to head to the Stampin' Up! convention in Salt Lake City this weekend, so will miss the rest of the week with Tyler. My trip has been planned since April, and I was worried that I would have to cancel if he didn't get better. It's such a relief, though, to have Tyler feeling more like himself. Since his last visit to Sequim was cut short, Ty is planning to head over to his mom's house and spend a few more days with her while I am gone.

Now that he is feeling better, we are hoping to see some of the friends we haven't had a chance to see recently.

We also want to wish a very happy birthday to Ariel (Tyler's niece), who allowed us to entertain her last night at her 4 year old birthday party!

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