Friday, May 14, 2010

MRI Results

Today marks the last day of our first month in the hospital.  We were prepared to stay this long, but hoped that it would prove true.  There is still no sign of white blood cells (WBC), which is one of the things keeping us here.  I checked the blog history and found that Tyler's first brush with induction therapy had us waiting 2.5 weeks from the end of chemo for the WBC to return.  We are just a little bit over 3.5 weeks now, although it seems much longer.  Since the body is much more sensitive to treatments after a bone marrow transplant, this is not totally unexpected.

Tyler had another MRI on Tuesday, so I have been anxiously awaiting the results so that I had something to post about.  The doctors said that his marrow looks like it has more fat in it now (I didn't know you had fat in your marrow), but the chloromas are still there.  We were hoping that they had reduced in size after the potent treatment Tyler had last month.

On the upside, he has had a series of relatively good days recently.  He had been flirting with beverages for the last few days (juice, jello, smoothies, milkshakes), but today he branched out into the territory of Cream of Wheat and ENJOYED IT!  He says eating or drinking cold things causes his throat to sting, but the cream of wheat slid right down without any pain.  I'm delighted that he had a good breakfast!

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