Thursday, April 26, 2007

Plant Sale Prep

Tyler is busy preparing for the Children's Hospital Garden Sale this weekend, so I am not sure if he will have time to post this week. Yesterday was another blood draw and all of his counts look very close to what they were last week. This is GREAT news for both of us! He has had blood draws in normal ranges for several weeks now, which is one of our major goals.

Next week when we meet with Dr. McGee, we will ask him again if Tyler can play soccer. Last time we asked, the good doctor said we needed to wait until we had a month of consistent test results under our belts before we could even think about getting a scan of Tyler's spleen. But... it looks to me like we have finally reached that goal! (no pun intended!) Tyler is feeling good and is anxious to get back on the field. On top of that, we have some soccer scheduled during our trip to Walla Walla next weekend and it would be great if Tyler could play a little while we are there.
We had a lovely dinner with Tyler's cousins Nate and Heidi on Tuesday evening. It was a real treat to get a tour of their new home and share an evening with them. They were so gracious about having us over and providing us with incredibly tasty food. Their three kids entertained us with stories of they accomplishments and we enjoyed talking about the stories Nate and Tyler had heard about their dads when Scott and Jim were younger.

Another week closer to Tyler playing soccer is another week closer to our short term goal. I think I'm almost as excited as he is for that day!

Much love to all of you,


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