Monday, April 21, 2008

Looking for a Few Good Men...

and women...
and children...

We are forming our Light the Night team for this year's fundraising walk and we would LOVE to have you join us! Last year, Team Firefly raised $4772 for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. With your help, we hope to beat that total this year.

You can get more details at the official site but the basics are as follows: Our team meets for a walk around Greenlake the evening of Saturday, September 20th. Each registered participant carries an illuminated balloon and helps with the fundraising as much as possible. With only $100 in fundraising, each participant gets a Light the Night t-shirt and fundraising can be as simple as sending an e-mail to friends, family, and coworkers. We would appreciate your help raising funds that may help to fund a cure for Tyler!

To join the team, you can go to the website to register for the walk. Click "Join Team" and search for Team Firefly. If you prefer, you can send me your name, address, e-mail, and t-shirt size. I will get you registered for the walk.

Thanks to all who are willing to help us in our quest!

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