Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Day 35 - Just Say NO to Drugs

Just to give you a small window into Tyler's daily life... This is a photo of his pillbox and the drugs scheduled to be taken on Tuesday. Admittedly, this is one his worst days as he has two extra pills on Mondays and Tuesdays. But all the same, Tyler is swallowing pills all day long.

One of the challenges is that he has some pills (the MMF taken to prevent Graft vs Host Disease or GVHD) that he can't take within two ours of anything with calcium or magnesium in it. He has been taking that particular medication three times per day for the last month.

As you can see from our pillbox, our day is highly scheduled by our medicines. We think Tyler may get to stop taking the MMF or cut down on it today, but have to confirm it with the doctors. If he can stop taking it entirely, he will be down 9 pills each day. That's a victory when you are on as many drugs as he is.

1 comment:

  1. Wow...that is an assortment. I have been trying to get Nick to use a sorter like that, but, he has stubbornly refused. So we have a mazillion pill bottles everywhere. It always makes me nervous when he starts to sort through them, to make sure he is getting all the right ones. Nick's pill assortment isn't too bad right now. But, I can identify with the problems with the MgOxide and keeping it apart from the other meds. It is a pain in the butt. Take care Bledsoe's. I am rooting for you guys.
